Approximately $1 billion in road construction projects are planned across the state. INDOT employs nearly 3,400 workers and although safety is a high priority, INDOT workers have been fatally injured on the job in all but 13 years since 1969. In that time, 74 have been killed, leaving their families in turmoil.
ISTWF was created in 2006 to assist the families of INDOT workers who are killed or disabled while working. The foundation is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.
Proceeds from the Foundation can be used only for Indiana Department of Transportation workers and their families.
Thousands of skilled and dedicated highway workers go to work every day to make Indiana’s roads the best and safest possible. Indiana’s highway workers help build and maintain more than 11,000 centerline miles of highways and 5,400 bridges.
While working in the Crossroads of America, our highway workers perform their duties under some of the most dangerous working conditions imaginable. Because a worksite can be so dangerous, it is easy to see how some of our highway workers are tragically killed or injured each year while working on these roads. ISTWF was formed to help provide needed financial assistance to the families left behind after such tragedies.
To help in this important effort, contact:
Indiana State Transportation
Workers Foundation, Inc
9025 River Road, Suite 200
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240